Purified Herbals

Kalarchikkai - Deshelled - 100gm
Kalarchikkai Seeds perfectly cleaned and removed from its shell. It is very good for health and can ..
Kodiveli Ver Pattai | Leadwort | Chitrak Root Skin | Plumbago Zeylanic 100gm
Kodiveli is a plant also called as Chithiramoolam in Tamil, Leadwort in English, Chitrak in Hindi. I..
Milagu - Pepper - Skinned out- 50gm
Milagu or Pepper perfectly cleaned and removed from its skin. It is very good for health and can be ..
Murungai Vidhai - Skinned out - 50gm
Murungai Vidhai perfectly cleaned and removed from its skin. It is very good for health and can be c..
Paruthi Vidhai - Deshelled - 100gm
Paruthi Vidhai perfectly cleaned and removed from its shell. It is very good for health and can be c..
Sukki - Dry Ginger - Skinned out- 100gm
Sukku or Dry Ginger perfectly cleaned and removed from its skin. It is very good for health and can ..
Thamarai Vidhai - Deshelled - 100gm
Thamarai Vidhai or Lotus Seeds perfectly cleaned and removed from its shell. It is very good for hea..